Sunday, May 26, 2013

Aweekstweets May 18-26 2013: the week I did what…what the hell did I do?

Satisfaction stalking. What happens when every commercial establishment you do business at follows up by asking how well you were served?

In 70s, a geeky Wayne State Univ prof had local public TV (Chan 56) show on film history. Excellent educ companion to the DIA film series

My fondest memory of Detroit Institute of Arts was weekend film series. My buddies & I went there regularly in highschool. Foreign, art. Gr8

If they sell off the Detroit Institute of Arts, I hope it's not piecemeal. A fine museum. Only real claim to that neighborhood as "cultural"

Listening to Radio Singkawang stream on the tablet. Waiting for my sister-in-law Maria Aliman to come on and sing.

Cold windy night. Lost power for while. Came back on before midnight. Didnt put too much crimp in evening. Drinking chatting w/Paul & Diane

Have a good 3-day. I'm shutting the work laptop down (but not my personal social and surfing machines).

"#Bigdata at work: 12 stories about reinventn" ( ) JK--Click thru each 2 full stories re various industry case studies

"Which side o #bigdata debate do you sit on?" ( ) JK--I'm on "Resolved: big data is hot stuff" side. Rebut that, buddy!

"Finding the fit 4 thought leadership in social media" ( ) JK--Fit is obvious & organic: more channels to speak yr mind

RT @peterwinick Do you create #ThoughtLeadership in isolation? ( ) JK--You mean so I can hear myself think? Indeed I do

"#BigData: Practical Solutions [Video]" ( ) JK--Stream of yesterday #Datamation G+ Hangout panel w/me & @shawnrog.

"Scalia Resigns Post as Scoutmaster" ( ) JK--While we're on the subject, please resign the post that pays you a salary

"Boy Scouts vote to lift ban on gay youth" ( ) JK--Good. "Bigoted" not in the "Boy Scout Law" ( )

"Facebook is new religion Ashton Kutcher sez" ( ) JK--Really? Thanx 4 remind why I'm not big fan o org relig or Kutcher  Harsha: It's interesting to consider the value of ambient data. I recently wrote a blog discussing how to measure...

Bonnie Jo Mason "Ringo I Love You" ( ) JK--1964. Better known as "Cher." Radio didn't play it. Co-written by PSpector

Brother and sister-in-law in town for the holiday weekend. Plan a fair bit of eating and museum-going. DC area rich in stuff to do.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp America by Simon & Garfunkel from Bookends JK--Duo that always springs to mind when I hear Kings of Convenience duo

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Homesick by Kings of Convenience frm Riot on an Empty Street JK--2004. Note 2 self: why've U not bought ths luvly LP?

"Agile Approach to Databases" ( ) JK--Aslett of 451 Group calls 4 tight iterative collab dev w/virtzn & schema-free dbs

"Applying AI & Semantic Web..." ( ) JK--1st sentence starts "simply put" & stretches over 59 words w/ 8 depndnt clauses

Headlines are good first filter when scanning the trade press. If the headline implies a dumb story premise, I skip over it. Nail the head!

Everything i write is work-in-progress for something else that I may write. Treating any expressed thought as finished product is a dead end

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Don't Think Twice It's All Right by Bob Dylan from Freewheelin' Dylan JK--Admire his moxie rhyming "road" w/"knowed"

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp I Need My Girl by Th National from Trouble Will Find Me JK--2013. Pretty one from these dudes. Their stuff always gr8

RT @laughbook: I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right.

Data-scientist skillsets? ( ) Friday #IBM quick-hit

Data-scientist skillsets?: 

New #IBM jk blog: "#BigData In Danger of Definitional Overkill" ( )

RT @hsmigala Tuning in NOW 2 "#BigData for Business" @Datamation  @jameskobielus Tech glitches kept @fhalper from join

Google+ Hangout #bigdata panel w/ @fhalper @shawnrog will start 5 minutes from now, barring last-minute tech troubles 

Next big thing? I just hope it's not an asteroid headed in our direction. I keep my expectations close to terra firma.

"Wal-Mart Puts Its Faith in #BigData for Mobile Strategy" ( ) JK--Geofencing: personalizd app senses when user in store

"Business, Art & Science" ( ) JK-@ritajking on need to integrate beauty into fabric of commerce & exploration.

My educated hunch is that the amount of commentary on #bigdata in the universe is the single largest component of big data in the universe

"Data-Driven Innovation: A Guide for Policymakers" ( ) JK--Excellent SIIA whitepaper & public policy roadmap

RT @shawnrog: I'm speaking at a Google+ Hangout today at 1PM MT with @jameskobielus @fhalper Talking Big Data - …

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Wishing (If I Had a Photograph of You) by A Flock of Seagulls JK--Retweeting so posts in my FB under my mom's photo

Finished my 4 quick-hits for next week. Monday's a holiday. Broke new conceptual ground in each of the q-hs. Several will become blogs.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp That's Who I Am by Neko Case frm Ghost Brothrs o Dk Cy JK--"Put my hand in your front pocket & tighten up your screw"

"Financial mkts at risk of #bigdata crash" ( ) JK--Well, duh, reinforce the floorboards at the exchange. PBs are heavy!

"MAD: New Analysis Practices for #BigData" ( ) JK--Essentially, interactive ad-hoc dimensionless, whole-pop exploration

“Say goodbye to anonymity” ( ) JK--Automated facial recognition getting better, faster, cheaper.

"#IBM Announces New Capabs 2 Delivr Real-Time Analytics via Cloud" ( ) JK--DB2 w/BLU Accel + SAP HANA in IBM SmartCloud

It's always nice to leave the messaging option open in Facebook for all friends--else why friend? But hide annoying ones from your news feed

Facebook is like a near-death experience. You're always seeing your entire life flashing before your eyes. People from every stage of it.

#Bigdata under control? Wrestling definitions down to size ( ) Thursday's #IBM quick-hit

Big data under control? Wrestling definitions down to size: 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Love at First Sight by The Gist from Embrace the Herd JK--1983. Brief post-Young Marble Giants projct o Stuart Moxham

Writing quick-hit with my take on "philosophy of data": phil o science, epistemology, aesthetics, logic, ethics, phil of mind, politicl phil

Facebook crossed an inflection point for me a few weeks ago. Realized I'm "all caught up" with everyone from old days who happens 2 B on FB

School of Seven Bells "The Night" ( ) JK--Named 4 Colombian pickpocket school. Test: not ring bells in teacher pockets

Definitely a pre-Memorial Day slowdown in interesting social media activity. Perhaps people rediscovering real life (e.g., barbecue).

"#Big Data is watching you, & you, & you" ( ) JK--More of the tired "1984" analogies. Switch to "Animal Farm" 4 change

"#Hadoop 2.0: New #BigData Possibs" ( ) JK--Incl Storm, Giraph, Spark, & MPI. These + Hive/HBase refactored around YARN

"#BigData & the million-node ntwk" ( ) JK--On IoT, you may need humans to coalesce digital dust into golden dustbunnies

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp I Know What Boys Like by Th Waitresses frm Just Cant Get Enough: NWv Hits o 80s JK--Melody all "nyah nyah nyah nyah"

One of my favorite cynical phrases concerns whether something's all it's "cracked up to be." Does getting cracked up involv ingesting crack?

Catch me June 5, 1pm ET #IBM #AARP webinar: "Embracing Dynamic, Agile Analytics Platforms for #BigData". Register: 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Doin' It Right by Daft Punk from Random Access Memories JK--This hyperchirpy electronic number is a devious earworm

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Home by Austra from Olympia JK--One of those dramatically mannered voices that makes you say "who dat?"

PR pros see my blogs on non- #IBM sites, overlook my byline, & ask me to say nice things about their clients (often my competitors). Awkward

Term "poster child" long ago set adrift from core meaning of "guilt-inducing lure to charitable giving." Now it's any exemplar (good or bad)

@metabrown312 That's too stilted, unnatural. If I like a colleague, it's fair 2 compliment her "you're cool and fun, always good to see you"

@metabrown312 Women actually DONT want men 2 avoid commentng on their appearance. A simple "U look great today" often suffices. Pleasantries

"When #bigdata invades your home" ( ) JK--Disagree w/premise "data centers probably wont have capacity 2 store th data"

"Men and women in the office: Are compliments taboo?" ( ) JK--Yeah, let's just become a cold, unfriendly society.

@jfpuget I doubt that teachers do instruction on Twitter.

Real-world experiments? ( ) Wednesday's #IBM quick-hit

Real-world experiments?: 

New spam offer from Canadiana Pharmacy: a free pound of back bacon & case of Labatt's with my next Viagra order. Pretty schweet, eh?

"Carol Burnett to receive Mark Twain Prize for American Humor from the Kennedy Center" ( ) JK--Much deserved. High time

I tend not to respond to people who clearly haven't read closely what I've written. Life's too short to repeat my own stuff word for word

Latest DSM & def'n of "mental illness." IMHO, 3 manifestations: behavioral experiential physiological: dys/function dis/ease dis/order

Drafted latest #IBMDataManagement article: "Social Business: The Power of #BigData in Agile Engagement"

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Love Her Madly by The Doors from The Best of The Doors JK--"Love she's walkin' out the door." Nice caboose?

Today was way more crowded with ad-hocs than I expected. I'm still breathing. That's an accomplishment.

I'm kind of looking forward to the 17-year cicadas. They don't chew the frame of my house, crawl all over my kitchen, or stink up the joint.

"#IBM Puts Watson 2 Work in Business" ( ) JK--IBM Watson Engagement Advisor = inline recom engine in multichan cust svc

"Bored w/ mere medicine, #IBM’s Watson adds customer svc 2 its resume" ( ) JK--Bored? Hardly. Serving valuable new apps

Landscape amnesia. JDiamond concept o how steady environmntal degradation in tiny increments tends 2 B accepted as norml. No 1 recalls prior

@futureratti It's all about advanced analytics at extreme scale. The hardcore use cases for that are in my blog: 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Riders on the Storm by The Doors from L.A. Woman JK--Song's dramatic undercarriage was Manzarek's insistent keyboard.

@futureratti I'm talking about vendors whose solutions don't scale. #Bigdata is all about headroom to scale up, out, and beyond

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp I'll Keep It With Mine by Nico from Chelsea Girl JK--Singer overcame vocal limitations with sheer earnest yearning

My fingers have gotten so fast at deleting commercial email that I tend to forget that I can unsubscribe. So now I do. Lots of useless stuff

Now in the business press, it seems standard to refer to any vendor that does stuff with data as "big data." No matter how puny the data.

Information glut? The vintage, vagueness, and vertigo of #bigdata ( ) Tuesday's #IBM quickhit

Information glut? The vintage, vagueness, and vertigo of big data: 

Thoroughly enjoyed the "American Masters" portrait of Mel Brooks. By "thoroughly enjoyed," I mean "just laughed and laughed."

"US Navy dolphins find antique torpedo" ( ) JK--Interesting that our Navy was testing torpedos in Pacific that long ago

One of my fave ambiguous phrases is "I've never seen anything like it!" You want to ask: "OK, so, do you get around much?"

RIP Ray Manzarek. Admit it: when you think of The Doors' sound, his piercing organ was just as integral as Morrison's voice & lyrics.

"5 BI Requests IT Groups Must Challenge" ( ) JK--Great phrase: "data mudroom": ETL, metadata, taxonomies, etc.

Trick to getting anything accomplished in IT is defining a strict scope of project. But not so strict that you strangle agility to innovate

Announcing you "won't screw up" a strategic acquisition doesn't inspire tons of confidence, all things considered.

Always glad 2 B of service. No matter who in my sprawling #IBM ecosystem o colleagues & partners needs my expertise, I'm glad 2 B of service

Hey email hack: my younger brothers don't address me as "James." Nice try, though. We're informal. It's "Jimmy." Give it another shot.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton by Th Mountain Goats frm All Hail W.Texas JK--Best ever chorus "hail Satan!"

Drafted latest #IBM blog: "#BigData In Danger of Definitional Overkill"

Interesting weather. I'm staring at a large patch of hazy blue sky, and walking out into a light steady rain. It's cool and calm, but humid.

Drafted new AnalyzingMedia blog: "Influence Attribution is Such an Inexact Science, You Hesitate to Call It A Science."

Socials I actually use in my pers/pro life: Twtr, FB & LnkdIn. What I'm dabblin in: G+ & Tmblr. Many rarely-used accts on others. And I blog

"#IBM's DB2: After 30 Years & a Look Ahead" ( ) JK--Continues 2 evolve. Recently releasd v10.5 supprts in-mem analytics

Accessed my long-dormant Tumblr account over the weekend. Followed few more people and places. Still not sure what value it adds to my life

"The much-desired 18-25 demographic." You can smell any pitch at that demographic a mile away. Strains to be "hip." What the hell is "hip"?

What's this? Somebody developed a #bigdata next-best-offer app for Google Glass for salespeople? Do those goggles cause hallucinations?

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp The Biggest Lie by Elliott Smith JK--The Sylvia Plath of indie. Sad oeuvre. Sad end. Suicide not entirely surprising

While I'm on the road, my head and pockets fill up with to-dos. The first task when in my home office is to re-collect it all.

@delindesign Thanks, but it's not mine. I just retweeted.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp La Cible qui bouge by Jane Birkin from Di Doo Dah JK--1973. Breathy coo over urban orchestral lounge.

A morning of catching up from my three days away from the office. The three-day weekend coming up is on my mind.

Size matters, but sighs matter. Another way of expressing "it's not the meat, it's the motion."

#BigData discovery? ( ) Monday #IBM quick-hit

Big-data discovery?: 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Tower of Song by Tom Jones from Spirit in the Room JK--Cool quiet sexy Leonard Cohen cover.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp I Don't Want to Get Over You by Mary Lou Lord from Live City Sounds JK--Cool folkish Magnetic Fields cover.

Excuse me, but this "singularity" blather in high-tech circles feels like science-fiction fans having a bad acid trip.

Hard 2 believe some people freaking out over imminent return of cicadas. They came & went so quickly 17 years ago we barely noticed th noise

RT @McSwtrvst: diminishing returns diminishin return diminishi retur diminish retu diminis ret dimini re dimin r dimi dim di d | ! : .

Weekends after road trips are usually blissfully aimless. We just vegetate in our domestic routine. Which is fine with me.

Has any political revolution truly raised th living standrds of th masses? Or is that just bullshit story th wannabe rich tell 2 grab power?

The real threat to privacy is flashless indoor photography from smartphones. People are always fingering their phones. Perfect cover.

Read profiles of upcoming summer movies. Nothing that wouldn't have been a summer movie in say, 2003. It all feels like cinematic retreads.

Customer loyalty. The fact that no business takes it 4 granted anymore is why they have "loyalty programs." They know we're fickle as hell.

PDA. It's a category of the gadget market that still exists only in minds of flight attendants. They're always asking us to switch them off

I do 10x the amount of thought leadership--volume, velocity, variety--now at #IBM vs when I was an industry analyst. No one micromanages me

Myers-Briggs. It's to organizational team building what paint by numbers is to art.

Lee Marvin doing a cigarette commercial ages ago ( ). Effective advertising can be deadly. Beware!

@geneweingarten uses "MIL" as abbreviation for mother-in-law. Which suggests MILILF. Let's not go there.

RT @rickygervais Stop worrying how many followers U have. Say everythng U've ever wanted 2 say. Twitter is therapy not a popularity contest

Genetically modified food. Until such time as somebody shows that it is unsafe or tastes yucky, I'll continue to eat it.