Saturday, October 26, 2013

Aweekstweets October 20-26 2013: the week I spoke at the Smithsonian

Lady at event yesterday said one species of animal in Seattle revolted her, so she could never live there. "Bigfoot?" "No, slugs." "Slugs!?"

Met Smithsonian visiting scholar who lives in Ann Arbor, is tenured at Michigan State, & went to Stanford, Berkeley, & Spellman. I'm in awe

One of these days I'm gonna return to my alma mater, U-Mich Ann Arbor, & hold a hippie tweetup on the Diag. Gonna call it the "Hashtag Bash"

People need to stop asking the vague leading question "is so-and-so relevant?" Cite the context first. Anything is relevant to something.

I always thought "hand-ker-CHIEF!" sounded like someone knowing sneeze was coming, bracing, & then letting loose. But it's not onomatopoeia

A reliable, trustworthy, inexpensive auto mechanic is someone you hold onto. As important a good financial advisor. We have both.

A nice cold bottle of beer is deep relaxation when you are absolutely not paying attention to anything at all & you have your music playing

Heard George Orwell & Franz Kafka referenced a few too many times at yesterday's Smithsonian event. They werent analysts. They wrote fiction

At yesterday's Smithsonian event, I referred to my employer in the concrete, but others seemed to refer to #IBM as some sort of symbol.

Been living in eastern Fairfax County for 27 years, and still I have to check the maps to see what road intersects what elsewhere in county

Nice morning, blue and frozen. Nothing stirring. Even the leaves are still, and still on the trees.

RT @BBCNews: How cockney rhyming slang has evolved  &

Yesterday was the first time my wife had ever seen me speak in public. Didn't affect my performance. Just informed my awareness of the crowd

Cool partying in the closed museum at night. Felt a bit like Ben Stiller in that movie.

Enjoyed the Smithsonian event I spoke at yesterday. Learned something from every speaker. We had an excellent roundtable re surveillance

Preparing to go onstage & speak at 3:15 at #surveillance @SI_Invention . Surveil us via the stream I tweeted earlier.

Live stream o me et al Smithsonian "Inventing Surveillance Society" in 5 mins …

Fun fact: Beatles' first US concert was at Washington Coliseum. Funner fact: nobody in DC knows where this arena is or was.

Almost Halloween, and first hard freeze arrives in DC area. Warming my giblets in lobby of JW Marriott. Go to Warner Theatre later 2 speak.

Enjoying my aimless time. Most of my evenings and weekends are aimless. That's by design. Constant purpose blunts sensitivity.

RT @QuerySurge Fear not the algorithm @jameskobielus Challenges o Transparent Accountability in #BigData Analytics (  )

RT @JimGaffigan: "Champaign, Ill where should I eat before my show Friday night at @StateFarmCenter ?" JK--Their 5-star HotPocket Bistro.

"The Professionalization of Data Science" ( ) JK--Hmmm...discuss at my #IBMIOD panel?

"#IBM Dist Eng solves #BigData Conjecture" ( ) JK--Formula 4 new robust correl8n & fit metrx genzng Spearman rank coeff

Please note unabashed too-clever-by-half Talking Heads references/links at end of my latest #AnalyzingMedia column: 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp The Book I Read by Talking Heads from Talking Heads: 77 JK--Group's unabashed rock-nerdiness was breath of fresh air

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Wishing Well by Bob Mould from Workbook JK--Mould has gr8 "yodee hodee shiver me timbers" voice. Swashbuckling punk

Here are downloadable presos that I, my panelists, & others presented last week at EuroCloud/ICS Luxembourg: 

Catch the #IBMIOD Expert Panel Debate I'm moderating: "Data Scientist--New Role or Relabeled Title?" Mon Nov 4, 2-3pm (pacific). Las Vegas.

"Data Warehousing & Analytics in era o #bigdata" ( ) JK--@nancykoppdw looks ahead 2 DW/Analytics track at #ibmiod vegas

"Ready 4 Vegas? How 2 get most from #IBMIOD ?" ( ) JK--Week after next. I also suggest breathe, hydrate, & travel light

"Disruption & game theory" ( ) JK--A.Croll discusses role in agile engagemt. See my 8-13-12 blog 

Catch me live tomorrow at Warner Theatre, WashDC. Sponsored by Smithsonian National Museum o Amer History. "Inventing the Streaming Society"

New #IBM jk blog: "The Challenges of Transparent Accountability in #BigData Analytics" ( )

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Fantastic Man by William Onyeabor from Who Is William Onyeabor? JK--Cool jaunty electro-funk from late 70s Nigeria.

Graph analysis? Using advanced math to infer... p1:  p2:  Fri #IBM q-h in adv. Offsite tomorrow

Complex event processing? Timestamping and its importance in funnel analytics ( ) Thursday #IBM quick-hit

RT @jameskobielus: "Cognitive computing? ( ) Wednesday #IBM quick-hit" @BrianLKeith JK--This, for example. U follow me?

"5 Reasons #Hadoop Is Kicking Can and Taking Names" ( ) JK--Good post by #Forrester @mgualtieri

Finished next week's quick-hits. Now starting the quick-hits for #IBMIOD week. Get it out of my thinning hair. Other stuff pressing in on me

"What Are Infauxgraphics?" ( ) JK--Funny and true, illustrated visually by Timo Elliott.

Person with annoying laugh sat near me at gate in RDU. I put on my earbuds & played Ramones full volume. "Glad to See You Go." And he went.

@ibm_iod Thanks. I see.

New #IBM jk #AnalyzingMedia post: "Don’t Aggravate the Aggregate with Continuous Campaigning" ( )

New #IBM jk blog "The Emergence of Big Media: Evolving and Dwarfing Today's #BigData Platforms" ( ) preview of #ibmiod

@francoismat I've already blogged about it--#Hadoop, open-source, & dim likely of distro wars--in the recent past: 

Cognitive computing? ( ) Wednesday #IBM quick-hit

@francoismat Even then, analogy doesn't work. You're equating a single unusual organization's BD usage with everybody's everywhere.

@francoismat Faulty analogy. Fracking = unlock commercial potential o tight oil/gas reserves. Doesnt apply 2 BD apps o top-secret gov agency

Here in Raleigh for #AllThingsOpen. I speak this a.m: "#Hadoop: Rise of Open Source & Diminishing Likelihood of Distro Wars." Hope 2 C U all

"#IBM Protects from Security Attacks w/New Cloud Solution" ( ) JK--Akamai prtnrshp uses sw analytics to fend off DDoS

If data is the new oil of the 21st century, what's it's fracking? Discuss amongst.

@DevinPK10 Thanks. I did La Volta this evening. On recommendation of a Raleigh-based friend.

@ibm_iod As soon as @thesocialpitt posts it to #IBM #BigData Hub.

Was telling a colleague that the world is a better place when it takes its cues from the inner recesses of Jim Kobielus' fertile mind!

Cool. New series with John C. McGinley. Starts on TBS in November. Been missing him since "Scrubs" ended. Dr. Perry Cox.

"Trouble at the lab" ( ) JK--Science establishment flatters self that it's always "self-correcting." Lapses legendary

"Million-Year Data Storage Disk Unveiled" ( ) JK--Don't flatter self. Your data < half-life than 

"10 Data Projects Not to Leave Off the Schedule in 2014" ( ) JK--Excellent list. CTOs everywhere should heed/prioritize

"Database Holy Grail?" ( ) JK--Posits altrntv db models: Shared-Disk, Shared-Nothing, Sync Commit, Durabl Distrib Cache

"#BigData Detectives" ( ) JK--The power of scalable/operational log analysis for security and incident management.

"Why #BigData Wont Cure Us" ( ) JK--Ditto small data: "usage o mobile health apps drops off dramaticlly after download"

"#Hadoop 2.0 Goes GA: New Workloads Await" ( ) JK--YARN unwinds Hadoop dependency on MapReduce. Genl-purpose exec layer

"Warm-up exercise before data science" ( ) JK--Rethink data: not static (table-row-column), but dynamic (matrix-vector)

"Rschrs achieve speedy internet w/LED lightbulbs" ( ) JK--Hoping 4 speed-o-thought bulbs that flash brilliant insights

Our fave pizza place back home is zPizza. I made a beeline for the one across from the Raleigh Marriott City Center for lunch today. Yummmm!

"The Man Who Invented Modern Probability" ( ) JK--Soviet mathematician Andrei Kolmogorov. Posited axiomatic approach.

#IBM #BigData India Virtual Event, 29-30 Oct. I virtually keynote. Aimed at developer partners on the subcontinent. 

Ever notice sexist/ageist premise o these "how would U explain bigdata 2 yr mom?" blogs? They nevr specify dad. Your mom's probably no dummy

"#IBM & Libelium Launch IoT Starter Kit" ( ) JK--Integ Libelium WL sensr plat w/IBM Mote Runner sw & 6LoWPAN IoTovrIPv6

Software engineering is now the focus of the Obamacare debate. Talk about fixable issues. It will. Before long.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Spring by Bill Callahan from Dream River JK--I've never gotten any of his Smog or solo LPs. Quite likely to get this.

New #IBM #PureSystems jk blog: "Combining #PureData & System z for Mission Critical Analytics:A Virtual Enzee Recap"...

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Cells by Teenage Fanclub from Man-Made JK--2005. Band's name makes sound lightweight. They burn deep and soulful.

Drafted latest #IBM #PureSystems blog: "Combining PureData and System z for Mission Critical Analytics: An IBM Virtual Enzee Recap"

RT @kalgyimesi: Planning to see Gravity? Be sure 2 read @jameskobielus on 3D geospatial predictive analytics #bigdata 

#IBM Boosts zEnterprise Capabs w/ New Biz Analytics & Cloud Sw Solutions ( ) JK--New Cognos TM1, Cap Mgt Analytics, etc

Hype-chondria: ideological predisposition to attribute non-existent ills to Obamacare while attempting 2 hobble it on road 2 implementation

Getting ready to record preso for #IBM India. Appreciate my colleagues scheduling session @ convenient time (for me) albeit awful (for them)

Drafted next #IBM blog: "The Challenges of Transparent Accountability in #BigData Analytics"

Drafted latest #IBM #AnalyzingMedia post: "Don't Aggravate the Aggregate with Aggressively Continuous Campaigning"

Drafted latest #IBM jk #Dataversity column: "Machine Learning Boosts Data-Scientist Learning and Vice Versa."

I notice many people write out #bigdata "tenants" when they mean "tenets." Yes, indeed, multitenancy is a core #bigdata public-cloud tenet

Privacy & #bigdata? Push back against .... p1 ( ) p2 ( ) Tues #IBM q-h in adv. Away tomorrow

Big Science? p1 ( ) p2 ( ) Monday #IBM quick-hit

@AmericaFreeTV Yes. Here it is:  . I present streaming apps in the broader context than just "surveillance."

Join #CXO chat Mon 12 ET! #Mobile Wellness Experience  w/ @aetna #custserv #healthcare

Catch me Fri WashDC Warner Theater "Inventing the Streaming Society." Then I take show on road: "'Inventing the Streaming Society' On Ice"

WSJ reports that marmorated stink bugs infested DC during shutdown. I'm tempting fate to say we don't smell them yet in Northern VA suburbs

In the World Series, I was hoping for a 1968 rematch. What we have instead is a 1967. My league loyalties revert to that era. Go Sox!

#IBMIOD is 2 weeks from now. My schedule on the ground in Vegas will be packed. All of ours will. Must remember to breathe. And hydrate.

WSJ reports that most IT workers dont have degrees in computer science, tech, engneerng, or math. I have none of those. Just use your brain.

Catch me in Raleigh tomorrow and next day at All Things Open. I'll speak about the #Hadoop market.

In retrospect, th most idiotic question they asked me during college-internship interviews years ago was "Do you have leadership potential?"

George Takei. Did late-life left-field career twist even more interesting than Shatner's. Put personal life out there in activist posture

Eliminate freedoms? Ha! My brief encounter w/Obamacare portal (Calif) shows far more options 4 comparison shopping than your employer's plan

California's Obamacare health insurance exchange portal is straightforward & clear. I don't live there, but my son does. Fatherly curiosity

RT @nytimesmusic: As Downloads Dip, Music Execs Cast Wary Eye on Streaming Svcs ( ) JK--Why buy cow when milk free(r)?

Saw "Wait Until Dark" (1968) with Audrey Hepburn on public TV. Young Roger Ebert summed up my opinion perfectly ( )

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp California by Mazzy Star frm Seasons of Your Day JK--2013. Gorgeous. It's as if they didnt pause for almost 2 decades

A month from now, I speak at same conf as "father of DW" Bill Inmon ( ). Oddly, we've never met. Curious to meet him

Billy Beane. No truth to rumor that he coined "Moneyball" cuz "Beaneball" sounds like strategy of winning through strategic concussions.

People now speak of "toxins" as, ages ago, they used to speak of "evil spirits." Some vague malevolent fluid permeating our tissues.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Aweekstweets October 11-20 2013: the week of Luxembourg, light rain, & looking

Saw review of a new history book that refers to author throwing scattered statistics into it as a "big data" approach. Oh, gimme a break!

I refuse to be the latest "like" following on 1,438 previous "likes" on somebody's Facebook posting. I won't drip into a sloshbucket.

Day spent shaking off the aches from yesterday's scratch-intensive bush-whacking yardwork. The yoga helped. So does this tweet, sort of.

Keep on keeping on (stuff that matters). Keep on keeping off (stuff that distracts from all that).

Natural redheads vanish from Earth within a century? I doubt it. 5000-year-old Central Asian mummies had red hair. They mated with darkhairs

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Early Days by Paul McCartney from New JK--Good one. The shake in his voice & acoustic strum give this emotional heft

Latest McAuliffe radio ad lobbed the right epithet at Cuccinelli: "He's a Tea Party shutdown politician." Let's shut him down real good.

Got myself all good and scratched pruning my dead bush branches with fiendish zeal. But satisfying to see them gone. The blood is earned.

WSJ article on neckties going out of vogue. Actually, I think guys look cool in suit and tie, as long as collars not strangulation-tight.

Still waiting for Tumblr 2 evolve into something that scratches some specific itch. Ditto other Yahoo props. Mayer hasn't moved their needle

Hollywood. Hasnt finished project of turning every ancient comic book into an actionpacked CGI tentpole extravaganza. What's next: "Archie"?

RT @IBM: 5 ways to predict the future of the tech industry from #IBM CEO Ginni Rometty  #FortuneMPW

CBurnett rightly cites classic/perfect CBS early 70s Sat primetime lineup--"All in the Family" "MTM" "MASH" "Newhart"--right before her 10pm

"Made in #IBM Labs: Using Analytics to Optimize Cloud Data Center Allocation" ( ) JK--New tech 4 dyn alloc o resrces

"How Quantum Computers & Machine Learning Will Revolutionize #BigData" ( ) JK--Astronomiclly scalable/agile sensemaking

"Managing the Deluge of 'Big Data' From Space" ( ) JK--Good to know NASA back on job addressing this. Damn shutdown

"Why Graph Search Is Moving Databases to a New Level ( ) JK--Good one on graph databases for search & other apps.

"Biology’s Big Problem: There’s Too Much Data to Handle" ( ) JK--Good discuss of computational bio research challenges

"Data-Intensive Text Processing with MapReduce" ( ) JK--Three years old, but a good still-relevant detailed discussion.

"HBase – Overview of Architecture and Data Model" ( ) JK--Good tutorial-like tech overview.

"Bringing SQL to NoSQL: Future or Fool's Errand?" ( ) JK--Answer leans to the former.

I love these dumb vague open-ended clue-fishing questions on LinkedIn discussion groups--e.g., "Data alone isn't enough. Thoughts?"

New #IBM jk blog: "Geospatial Analytics: Evolving to Address Mindblowing #BigData Challenges..." ( )

Check this Out: Combining PureData and System z for Mission Critical Analytics at …

One of my main stress-management approaches in my worklife is to process stuff in batches. Ad-hoc distractions'll kill ya.

New #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "Sometimes it's OK to treat people like numbers" ( )

Starting to realize that "ASAP" means sooner than "as soon as possible." So soon that you can't wait to state what the entire acronym means

Wrote all 5 of next week's quick-hits early in the week in Luxembourg. Oh, #KEXP is playing Neon Indian "Sleep Paralysist." Describes me.

@brenny Thanks. I'm not familiar with their concept of "Big Content." Can you fill me in on how they define it?

Geospatial analytics? Enabling a new Green Revolution in precision agriculture ( ) Friday #IBM quick-hit

Joel Plaskett Emergency "Harbour Boys" ( ) JK--Song was playing in my head when I awoke this morning.

Hallelujah! Our long national nightmare is over. Thank you President Obama for not giving the b*st*rds an inch!

"#IBMIOD Meetup: NoSQL, MongoDB and #BigData" ( ). JK--I'll be one of many IBM-ers at the meetup.

"What Do Dreams Mean?" ( ) JK--Mobile app wakes people, collects/anonyms dream reports, puts in #bigdata analytc store

I'm rather enjoying the BBC4 program on the genesis of their National Trust. And I'm not egregiously anglophilic. Go figure.

BBC4. In context of BBC programming, it bears the same relation to other programming as any BBC channel's reruns in US bear to American TV

New #IBM jk aud podcast: "Data Scientists & Their Curriculum" ( ). Did I say wot they promote me as saying? I'm a scamp

"#Hadoop 2: #BigData's big leap forward" ( ) JK--Discusses the MapReduce-to-YARN transition & compatibility issues

"Optimizing Recommendation Systems: Exploration & Exploitation" ( ) JK--Excellent tech guidance for practitioners.

Thank you Sen.McCain for your honesty and courage, standing up & declaring how "shameful" this entire shutdown episode has been for America

Some anchor on Bloomberg pronounced "policy" like "palsy." That's sort of appropriate to describe US govt shaky/paralyzed budget/debt policy

The only thing I approve of in the whole sorry budget/debt imbroglio is how the Republicans have self-destructed. Other than that, I'm PO'd

Walked from my dull hotel on the outskirts all the way to the center of Luxembourg. Relaxing meal alone and long rainy stroll back to room.

Drafted #IBM blog on my upcoming #IBMIOD preso topic: "The Emergence of Big Media: Evolving and Dwarfing Today's #BigData Platforms"

During my fitful sleep last night there was no progress on US budget/debt deadlok. Nice 2 know elected officials have abdicated common sense

Deliberately avoiding speaking this morning. My voice is ragged from intense conversations at last night's loud party at the Sofitel.

"Math matters: how #bigdata is building the future of everything" ( ) JK--Discussion of computational materials science

"The #BigData, No Data Paradox" ( ) JK--Good discuss o "not" (no data) v. "null" (no value) v. "naughty" (no validity)

Machine learning? p1 ( ) p2 ( ) Thursday #IBM quick-hit in advance. Travel day mañana

#BigData development? The positives and "howevers" of R maturity p1 ( ) p2 ( ) Wednesday #IBM q-h

Want to thank OASIS for the great ICS track at EuroCloud today. Jane Harnad, Carol Geyer et al: thanks 4 hosting my #bigdata standards panel

I love "tectonic shifts" in the technology market. Real-world tectonic shifts may displace crust 50 feet in a million years. We move faster

Want to thank my Eurocloud panelists Yuri Demchenko & Carola Carstens. Excellent, informative presentations. Greatly indebted to you both.

@ragtag Who said they are?

Whew! Relieved! Duped these Europeans into thinking I know something. How many other nationalities can I deceive? It's a big world!

BBC2. Thank you Jools Holland for straightforwardly showcasing great musicians performing live on your show. You do it righteous!

Good to see #Forrester Eve Maler @xmlgrrl "Identity Singularity" discussed in cloud IdM standardization context at EuroCloud 2013 Luxembourg

Excellent discussion of cloud IdM standardization requirements by G.Janssen, OASIS, at EuroCloud Congress/ICS Luxembourg.

Open data? The challenges of algorithmic accountability in #bigdata p1 ( ) p2 ( )

"Unraveling the Complexities of Life Sciences Data" ( ) JK--Comprehensive look at myriad computational "omics"

How #established and new #dataarchitectures continue to expand in an #era of #database #innovation  by James Kobielus

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Colour Yr Lights In by The Besnard Lakes frm Until In Excess, Imperceptible UFO JK--Love the smouldering build o this

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Kool FM by Four Tet frm Beautiful Rewind JK--2013. Blow me down but isnt the "hey hey hey" sample Rodney Dangerfield?

Luxembourg in October drizzle. The chill accentuates the frosty feeling of those faceless EU office buildings.

Open Cloud: Key for VCs to decide where to place their next big bets.  #IBMsmb @mikegrand1

Detroit News said they still run Ludington (MI) to Manitowoc (WI) Lake Michigan ferry. Never known anybody who takes it. Dont bypass Chicago

Geospatial analytics? Mindblowing #bigdata challenge o mapping cosmos.. Mon #IBM q-h p1 ( ) p2 ( )

Jet lag. Couldn't sleep. I was probably the only soul walking Luxembourg's serene streets at 1am. Glad the authorities didn't apprehend me.

Watching BBC1 "Antiques Roadshow," taped at a manor house dating from the Middle Ages. Yeah, them folks got some serious antiques!

"Twisting the #NoSQL Kaleidoscope" pt 1 ( ) pt 2 ( )

New #IBMDataMag jk article: "Twisting the Kaleidoscope – Part 2" ( ) Continuing examination of #NoSQL

"Corral: 100 Diverse #BigData Collections" ( ) JK--Scientific research collections at Texas Advanced Computing Center

"Principal Component Analysis" ( ) JK--Stat tech for identify primary pred factors & elim less explanatory correl8tes

"Do we have a right to be forgotten?" ( ) JK--Right to be forgotten is right to erase th past. No, we shouldn't have it

"Top 5 reasons to attend #IBM Information On Demand 2013" #ibmiod ( )

On the long flight over (connect in Paris) I'll probably write the quick-hits for the week after next. Already have topics queued up by day.

Off to Luxembourg on business. Brought my "real" camera. But my smartphone isn't a shabby camera. I'm oldschool.

Would be ironic if we found that computers perform fastest if we shift from binary encodings back to cuneiform.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Aweekstweets October 6-11 2013: the week I shut down my screens every time the news came on

Catch me Tuesday in Luxembourg at EuroCloud Congress ( ). I chair panel on "Standards for #BigData in the Cloud."

"Data, Data Everywhere. So Much, So Messy" ( ) JK--Neat and trim dissection of the dimensions of the data quality mess.

"Fooled by Twitter Data" ( ) JK--You bet. Twitter sentiment is that of skewed demographic of niche passionistas.

"The trickiness of forecasting rainfall" ( ) JK--Sentiment's another type of weather. Tricky to forecast. Same reasons

"#IBM Solves Virtual Machine 'Noisy Neighbor' Problem" ( ) JK--Problem of bandwidth-demanding VMs on shared host.

"IoT Gets Major Distance Boost From #IBM & Semtech" ( ) JK--Announcd hw/sw wireless sys capab Xmit IoT data up to 15 km

"#BigData Is Too Big for Scientists to Handle Alone" ( ) JK--Big Science = Big Collaborative Distributed Data Science

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Down to th River 2 Pray by Alison Krauss from O Brother Where Art Thou? JK--One o many standouts from gr8 film sndtrk

"#BigData Is Neither An Atomic Bomb Nor A Holy Grail" ( ) JK--Good discussion of ethics politics & science by Gil Press

"#BigData offline world: How data from brk&mrtr stores trumps online analytics" ( ) JK--Analytics of in-person shopping

"#BigData: Cutting through the bulls**t" ( ) JK--Huh? What word is that? How do you pronounced double asterisks?

Federal Times examines #IBM's role in the competitive federal cloud computing marketplace. 

1979 cast a complete pall over my memories of the 1970s. I suspect others of my generation felt the same.

1979. The year was an intense punk meltdown. Three Mile Island. Iranian hostage crisis. Post-Jonestown. My dad had just died. No nostalgia.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Dead Souls by Joy Division from Unknown Pleasures JK--1979. Great crunchy goth-punk jam.


NoSQL? Twisting the kaleidoscope to sharpen your view of myriad options ( ) Friday #IBM quick-hit

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Sleepwalking (Couples Only Dance Prom Night) by Modest Mouse from Interstate 8 JK--1996. Interpolates Santo+Johnny.

Spam filters should have image analysis to detect photos of large amounts of cash. Dead giveaway of sleazeball get-rich promotions.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Hand Me Down by Visqueen from Message to Garcia JK--2009. Great Seattle power-pop band with strong female lead.

If you grew up near major city pre-VCR, local TV often showed classic films. Detroiters back in day owed debt of gratitude to Bill Kennedy.

Streaming has had powerful impact on my appreciation o classic & contemp pop music. I listen to everything. Trad radio formats way too narrow

Great Teachout WSJ column on early 80s impact of VCRs on popular appreciation of cinema as art. Know classics by experience not reputation

"Chemistry Nobel Prize 'about taking chemical experiment to cyberspace'" ( ) JK--Big Science = #BigData Science

@P_Wannemacher No problemo. I'm a selfless link-sharing machine, I am.

"Can computers have hunches?" ( ) JK--Nobelist Daniel Kahneman on diff between causal & statistical cognition

"In Digital Era, What Does 'Watching TV' Even Mean?" ( ) JK--Viewer attention toggles among vidstreams on 2+ screens

"Data & its Derivatives" ( ) JK--Article calls 4 timestamped process-milestone data 2 facil sales/mktg funnel analytics

This ( ) hadnt yet been announced when I wrote next wk blog prophecy: future Nobels will go to computational physicists

Nobel Prize in Chemistry went to theoretical scientists who pioneered virtual experimentation via computers. That's a scientific landmark.

"Why we need a standard for the Internet of things" ( ) JK--Discusses various international standardization initiatives

New #IBM jk blog: "Geospatial Analytics Transforming Brick-and-Mortar Retailing into a Digital Experience" ( )

"Establishing an Analytics Culture in Public Safety" ( ) JK--Discusses Vancouver's police dept adoption of the tech.

RT @IBM: #IBM wins dynamic network bandwidth patent for cloud  #IBMcloud #innovation

Healthcare analytics? Internet of Things & #bigdata powering quantified communities ( ) JK--Thursday #IBM quick-hit

"#IBM Rsch 2 Accel #BigData Discov" ( ) JK--Accel Discov Lab. Collab wkspace access data, analytics, infra, dom exprtse

Reading "Age of Edison" by EFreeberg. Details how TAE inventd neither elctric lite nor incandescent bulb. Just superior lighting utility sys

I like to meditate while waiting for Windows to boot. No better way for the mortal mind to get in touch with the concept of eternity.

A soggy one expected all day. Good. We need it. Sunlight is overrated.

@Michele_Moore 3 coauthors would hafta've been awarded 3 Nobels (on top o other 2 indep paper-authors (Higgs+Englert). Rules say 3 total max

RT @dslovensky: #SoftLayer, #ibm company has added 1600 new clients to its existing roster of 21000 clients since June #ibmcloud #gartnersym

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Opelika by Lee Bains III & The Glory Fires from There Is A Bomb in Gilead JK--Cool one. I'd never heard of this...

Nobel Physics Prize. Dumb rules. 6 devel theory in 1964; 1 died. 3 max (living) may be honord. 2 non-coauthors got it. 3 coauthors disqual'd

"How Lambda Archtcture Can Anlyze #BigData Batchs in Nr R-T" ( ) JK--Aka "hybrid architecture" ( )

"Are Data Scientists Hidden within Your Company?" ( ) JK--Discusses identifying people with the core aptitudes.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Summer Painter by Bill Callahan from Dream River JK--This is a great poem delivered & orchestrated thrillingly.

"Scientific Data So Complex, Have 2 Invent New Math 2 Deal With It" ( ) JK--Myriad dimensional topologcal data analysis

@jaymuelhoefer Jay: Yes, of course I know them. Platform Computing ( ) is #IBM. I'm IBM. I know from long back, pre-IBM

Draftd nxt wk #IBM jk blog: "Geospatial Analytics: Evolving 2 Address Mindblowing #BigData Challenges of Mapping Creation Across All Scales"

"#IBM New [Sol'ns]" ( ) JK--PureSys (Data App Flex), Power (BLU), Smtr Stor (Storwize), Sys x, Tech Comp (BgIns, Platf)

"#IBM Bolsters Cloud Portf" ( ) JK--New socbiz+mobile SaaS svcs; SoftLayer-integ cld svcs; exprt integ sys 4 hybrd clds

"#BigData & pred analytics: When is enuff data enuff?" ( ) JK--Short answer: when your #Hadoop cluster screams "uncle"

"Predictive policing" ( ) JK--Excellent comprehensive report (free downloadable) from RAND Corp.

"Rschrs Beat Drum 4 Quantum Comms" ( ) JK--Demo'd qtm entangle btwn motion o minuscule mechanicl drum & microwave field

"‘Digital Industrial Economy’ Combines Physical World & Virtual" ( ) JK--Gartner's keen on the Internet of Things.

Cyberwarriors. Are they required to run obstacle courses of browser pop-ups & phishing lures in cyber-bootcamp? Easy to trip up.

"MDM & Next-Gen Data Sources" ( ) JK--Aaron Zornes on identity resolution factoring in mobile, location, & social data

Data monetization? Manage data like a product, not a cash spigot ( ) Wednesday #IBM quick-hit

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Les Feuilles Mortes by Monsieur Iggy le Pop from Preliminaires JK--2009. Magnifique!
Hadoop: Is There a Metadata Mess Waiting in the Wings? By Robin Bloor  #InsideAnalysis
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Proven strategies for #archiving complex relational data.  @QUESTUsersGroup
Retweeted by jameskobielus

Do we need a tax on space junk to keep GRAVITY from coming true? 
Retweeted by jameskobielus

RT @weusegadgets: Government Shutdown Knocks U.S. Radio Telescopes Offline ( ) JK--Universe goes even darker.

I love when people say they reached out because they saw my "column on #bigdata." That narrows it down. Good feedback. I'll do more of those

National park animals unsure whether shutdown good or bad. They like not being hassled by tourists. But crave daily fix of pic-a-nic baskets

"Mission: Protocols to ease true cloud federation" ( ) JK--IEEE testbed project is mostly research organizations.

I love tech discussions where somebody asks your opinion of some complex topic and turns away 5 seconds into your response.

I love legit commercial email solicits from biz strangers addressing biz strangers as "hey guys." As if we all roomed together in college

"François Englert & Peter Higgs Win Nobel Prize in Physics" ( ) JK--No surprise. CERN's #BigData should've shared prize

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Trying to Find a Home by Tindersticks JK--Stuart Staples (Tindersticks) & Matt Berninger (The National). Same voice?

@BarryDevlin Sure. Predictive analytics extends privacy impact of PII data at ANY scale, not just BIG scale.

@BarryDevlin I take issue w/article assert that pred anlytcs "effectively manufacture personal data." Of course not. Builds models from data

@BarryDevlin I didn't say the article has no value. My feeling is that it would have had more value if they kept the focus on big data.

@BarryDevlin So you feel that #bigdata and predictive analytics are one and the same thing?

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp All the Way From Memphis by Mott the Hoople frm Mott JK--1973. Glam band's piano/sax attack on this feels a bit Elton

RT @rickygervais: "Could anyone who talks to Jesus please let me know what accent he has?" JK--Speaks Aramaic with a Judean accent.

@BarryDevlin You disagree that they undermine their arg by blaming predictive analytics? Or that pred analytics has been around for decades?

"Twitter's Lucrative Data Mining Business" ( ) JK--But ad business is far more lucrative.

"Facebook's new Graph Search features create phishing wonderland ( ) JK--Better visibility into what we've chosen2share

"Why #bigdata has made yr privacy thing of past" ( ) JK--Weak argument. Subhead blames decades-old predictive analytics

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Driving East, and Through Her by Case Studies from This Is Another Life JK--Me tripping? Hear "Me+U+Dog Named Boo"

I'm turned off when somebody praises some convenient sample of stuff they like as "world's best" of whatever. Like you've surveyed the world

Internet of Things? Monetizing the gadgets, apps, content, and cloud services ( ) Tuesday #IBM quick-hit

People who refuse to have kids vaccinated for MMR TB etc. Endanger society thru higher infection rates. At what point should society mandate

Today was richly drenched and moist and cool. Air has that woodsmoke perfume. Now that's an October day. I feel better. Much better.

Google+ making progress. More of the people it says I "may know" I indeed do know. Been a cavalcade of strangers till recently.

Changed mind about voting in VA gov race. Will vote. Lukewarm on McAuliffe. But shutdown convinced me TParty/Cockroachnelli must be stomped

Americans starting to face the unthinkable: those Tea Party maniacs may force the country into default. How to stop them?

@awarzecha I drafted it. It posts on Thursday on #IBM #BigData Hub.

Drafted latest #IBM jk blog: "Geospatial Analytics Transforming Brick-and-Mortar Retailing into a Digital Experience"

My Facebook newsfeed has come to resemble my Google+ view. Because I've "liked" so many science/tech research-rich pages.

"Data Scientists Create Code Of Prof Conduct" ( ) JK--Two-month-old nonprofit assn. See my blog: 

"Researchers beef up flash mem w/protein" ( ) JK--Peptides as superstruct binding dense semicond & resistive materials

"Real-Time Analytics for the Healthcare Industry: Arrhythmia Detection" ( ) JK--Machin-lrn ECG compar anlysis/categorzn

"Delsa Workshop IV: Launching the Quantified Human Initiative" ( ) JK--Data-Enabled Life Sciences Alliance. Interesting

"Why tablet magazines are a failure" ( ) JK--Disagree. I make heavy use of Google Currents on my Android tablet.

"Circle of Trust & Google Plus" ( ) JK--Interesting viz. But I dont think "trust" accurate. Circle o reprocal following

Local classic-rock station played Skynyrd song I'd never heard before. Don't recall name. Just glad theyre not "Free Bird" on endless repeat

A8: #cxo Biz can measure success at intelligent #CX by tracking whether the predictive accuracy of #CEM models is improving over time.

A8: #cxo Biz can measure success in driving intelligent #CX by tracking retention, satisfaction, & sentiment data.

A7: #cxo If you don't have a unified accurate profile of who your customers are or what they truly need, you can't engage intelligently.

A7 Self-serv check outs can often be the only point of human contact in an experience. If so, time to rethink that weak strategy. #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A7. Increasingly, suspicion. Why do you want my data and what are you going to do with it? Who else will get it? Big challenges. #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A7: #cxo Siloed customer engagement channels--sales, support, marketing, etc.--impede intelligent interaction. Lefthand/righthand discombob

A7 Collecting data w/o a strategy on how to use it makes #BigData pointless – need the right tools to extract useful info #CXO
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A7 Industries with distrustful reputations or notoriously convoluted processes create barriers to intelligent customer experience. #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A7: Major challenge for biz is rapid profiling of customers’ behavior over multi dimensions. Right tools and apps can alleviate #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A7: #cxo Lacking a cadre of professional #CEM specialists & data scientists can impede addressing the challenge head-on. Recruit & train!

A7: #cxo Business can overcome #cem -hostile culture by instlling from top down. CEO should be on frontlines frequently, taking customer ire

A7: #cxo Biggest hurdle to intelligent customer interaction is usually a corporate culture that doesn't really care about #cem.

A6: #cxo Self-service is increasingly becoming customer expectations across most channels. If it's not there, you may lose some customers

A6: #cxo Self-service may help many customrs 2 get what need w/min muss/fuss. May hinder if portals & other slf-svc platforms badly designed

A6: #cxo Customers differ widely in preferred #CX modes. Many may prefer self-svc to human-assisted. Factor slf-svc into engagemt options

A5: #cxo Need the ability of the business' human touchpoints to exercise situation-contextual judgment to ensure decision appropriateness

A5: Orgs need to understand their customers' behavior throughout the buying lifecycle #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A4: Biz should focus not on amount of customer data being collected but the quality of the data being collected. Quality > quantity. #cxo
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5 A strong chief customer officer will be able to influence formation of + facilitate cross-disciplinary teams. #CXO #CX #CCO
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5: The first 'tool' is an intangible. It is the genuinely customer-centric culture. #CXO
Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5: #cxo Need to incorporate continual feedback from customers into the ongoing design/tuning of #cem interaction optimization cross-chann

A5: #cxo Need subject-matter domain specialist analytics with #cem focus to work collaboratively ongoing with #datascientists

A5: #cxo Need interaction optimization front-end multi-chann #CRM platform. Need #bigdata unstruct analytics. Need next best action back-end

A4: #cxo If U reduce amt of cust data U collect & ramp up the analytics, make sure U don't run afoul of "intrusive marketing" sensitivities

A4: #cxo Reducing amount of customer data U collect doesnt always mean reducing analytics on what U have. May make sense 2 ramp the latter.

A4: #cxo There's never hard/fast rule on data collection reduction. Factors such as compliance, usage, storage constraints must B considered

A3: #cxo Do regular compliance audits of data collection & utilization to make sure mandates/constraints haven't been breached.

A3: #cxo Track what #BI cust-data reports actually being used. Monitor what data sources/vars are used in adv analytics models. Elim unused

A3: #cxo To ensure U're not collecting unnecessary data, you need 2 regularly ask users what they need & track what they actually use

A2: #cxo When defining need for sourcing customer info, biz must always have privacy sensititivities/regs in mind to guide decisions.

A2: #cxo Defining customer-data needs should not simply be sourcing from databases. Survey human touchpoints (e.g., agents, sales) as well

A2: #cxo Business needs to determine which customer data sources are in its possession already & need consol/correl8n vs. which to acquire

A2: #cxo Business should ask what exactly a "360-degree customer view" truly means: transactional data, sentiment data, more?

A2: #cxo Business should ask what "degrees" (i.e., data sources, aggregations, correlations) are missing from its "360-degree customer view"

A1: #cxo Intelligent experience is when the business powers its human touchpoints to achieve 1:1 conversational engagement with each customr

A1: #cxo Intelligent experience when the biz simplifies the customer's life across all channels & throughout their "journey" of decisions

A1: #cxo What's most intelligent is for the business to cultivate deeply satisfying experience for each customer.

A1: #cxo An intelligent customer experience is you, the biz, engaging with them in a proactive, predictive, personalized, contextual way.

@IBMbigdata Thanks! Glad to be here. Ready for #CXO.

#CXO I'm here! And ready for #CXO chat with @IBMbigdata & @BernardMarr on Creating an Intelligent #CX 

Should biz reduce amt of customer data they’re collecting? Join #CXO chat in 17 min w/ @BernardMarr et moi et al to discuss! #bigdata

"Wine & alcohol analytics" ( ) JK--Discusses wine market segmentation based on customer taste for diff alcohol levels

"Open-Source Systems You May Have Taken for Granted ( ) JK--OSS has long enough vintage & pervasivenss 2 B taken4grantd

"Data Driven: The New Big Science" ( ) JK--Cites astrophysicist & #bigdata guru @kirkdborne

Why no two #industry #observers #define or #scope the #NoSQL space in the same way  by James Kobielus

"Hospital Takes Own #BigData Medicine" ( ) JK--Personalized risk assess of each new patient vs. similar past patients

"Delic8 Balance Btwn Intrnet Freedm & #BigData" ( ) JK--"Any BD proj needs 2 B aware o risks o indiscrim colectd data"

"In future when U commit crime th thing thatll hunt U down" ( ) JK--Awkward compared w/potential o aerial drone botcops

FB's "similar to" recommendation algo has a few glitches. How is David Beckham similar to the Harvard Business Review? Must be joke in there

New #IBMDataMag jk article: "Twisting the Kaleidoscope – Part 1" ( ). Part 2 next week. Exploring #NoSQL

Crowdsourcing #BigData creativity? Smarts trump BgDt algos domain exptise p1:  p2:  Mon #IBM q-h

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Ride My Arrow by Bill Callahan from Dream River JK--2013. I nominate Callahan for most musical "unconventional" voice

One of those Monday mornings when it takes the brain a few hours to emerge from a happily work-free weekend fog.

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley from Grace JK--Never understood why a "baffled king" would compose one. Confused/thwarted?

Awaiting some much-needed rain today. Hope it doesn't come with never-needed flash flooding. Bracing.

Have never understood the appeal of tattoos. To me, they seem the opposite of cosmetic surgery: uglification operations.

Best to expect that every new cool experience is a one-off. Better that it occurred at all than never . Expecting repeat diminishes memory.

I use almost no apps on my smartphone, other than social media. The "there's an app for that" saying doesn't move me. Most apps are crap.

@NeilRaden @RitaJKing Disambigu8n is a sort/sifting process. Depending on domain, may be deterministic or probabilistic. May use heuristics