Friday, March 07, 2014

Aweekstweets March 1-7 2014: the week I was feeling chiefly

Finally got back to doing yoga myself alone on the crowded LA Fitness main floor. Tuning out din is a good test of calm, poise, & clarity

Good week. Got those quick-hits in the can. Range from cosmic to personal to mundane. As usual.

Choose  #bigdata  solution w/ advice from +Chris Selland +Suzanne Hoffman +James Kobielus +Elad Israeli Tues hangout 

"#BigData Meets Threat Detection" ( ) JK--Discusses roles of machine learning and "predefined vector-based learning"

"A Case for De-identification Business Architecture" ( ) JK--Good dissection of issues for anonymizing PII for privacy

@catevz Constraints invite creativity.

"Is Graph Theory Key to Understanding #BigData?" ( ) JK--To understanding the entity-relationships that data describes

"Stream Processing is The New Black 4 Smart Grid Analytics" ( ) JK--Touts value of machine learning in stream computing

"PredMod w/BigData: Biggr Really Bettr?" ( ) JK--“Certain telling behavs may not B obsvd in suffic #s w/out massiv dat”

Join #CXO chat as we tackle > The #CFO: Jack of all trades  w/ me & @wfuessler Mon 12 EST #finserv #bigdata #cx

"Benchmarking #BigData Systems & BigData Top100 List" ( ) JK--Interesting discussion of functional workload benchmarks

"Internet Of Things: What About Data Storage? ( ) JK--Also discusses IoT impacts on data protection.

"Apache Announces #Hadoop Upgrade, Elevates Spark Project" ( ) JK--Also supports in-memory cache & diff storage classes

"The Growth of Hadoop from 2006 to 2014" ( ) JK--Links to Google research docs from 2006.

"Will Wearable Computers’ Data Defeat Gov Efforts?" ( ) JK--Loraine links to Jim Harris who links to me. Thanks folks!

Let's see. Latest buzz. Apparently, #bigdata and data science are over. Where's that handy Portlandia clip? Oh yes: 

"Equations Are Art inside a Mathematician’s Brain" ( ) JK--fMRI brain scans show it.

"Advances in Predictive Analytics" ( ) JK--@fhalper discusses techniques, open src, in-memory, pred analytics in cloud

"How YARN Opens Doors to Easier Programming Tools for Hadoop 2.0 Users" ( ) JK--Good discussion of visual dev in YARN

OK, I'll admit it. I, James Kobielus, invented Bitcoin. And YOU ALL owe me big time. Pay up!

"The Sweet, Streaming Sound of Data" ( ) JK--Streaming-music-user experience-optimization algos. Thanks Scott & Lilik!


RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Someone New by September Girls from Cursing the Sea JK--2014. Nice. I'm a sucker for retro-girl-group GoGos-ish rock

Advanced visualization? Eyeballing the dark dimensions p1:  p2:  Friday #IBM quick-hit

Reading the biz-tech press. Sitting here adjudicating among extravagant claims being made for #bigdata.

RT @ConanOBrien: When someone calls me pretentious, the white gloves come off.

RT @ConanOBrien: I just found out the “L” in Samuel L. Jackson stands for Laurence Fishburne.

RT @ConanOBrien: Watching that new Irish hoarding show, where they clean out a man’s lifetime accumulation o slights, rebuffs & resentments.

RT @ConanOBrien: My guests next week are James Spader, Bill Hader, Ralph Nader, and Darth Vader.

RT @ConanOBrien: Just took the kids to see Philomena in 3D.

RT @ConanOBrien: Pope Francis's humility reminds me so much of my own.

DC-area culinary event. Ben's Chili Bowl opens new location in Arlington. Bill & Camille Cosby devour the first. 2 half-smokes = full-smoke?

"Analytics Developers/Retailers Seek Path 2 Address In-Store Privacy" ( ) JK--Mobile Location Analytics Code of Conduct

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Detroit Baby by Habibi JK--Brooklyn group. First song I've ever heard about Motown mentioning main-drag Woodward Ave

RT @IBM_InfoSphere: IBM continues to lead the #datagovernance mkt & adapt its technology for #bigdata - 

RT @IBM_InfoSphere: Data governance: Finding, securing and defending the right needle in the haystack -  #bigdatagov

RT @IBM_InfoSphere: Blog - A new way of thinking about big data:  via @tmustacchio #bigdatagov

RT @IBM_InfoSphere: What's the truth behind the confusing story abt fitness of Hadoop as #dataintegration platform? 

New #IBM jk blog: "Caveat on use of the Internet of Things in behavioral analytics" ( )

#IBM ranked quite well on the latest #Forrester #Hadoop Wave. As on the 1st Forr Hdp Wave 2 years ago. For a good reason. We're best o breed

Internet of Things? New measurement tools for candid ethnography p1:  p2:  Thurs #IBM quick-hit

Ah yes, the handy dandy comparison to Hitler. I was thinking comparison to Kaiser Wilhelm was more apt. But this is 2014, not 1914 (or '41)

I call him Justin Twinkletoes. Because I can.

Turned on cable music channel & heard B-52s "Rock Lobster." Realized it's 35 years old. Shuddered at the thought. Utterly fresh in memory

Reading George Carlin's autobiography as told 2 Tony Hendra. Excellent read. Playd "7 dirty words" 4 my 24-year-old daughtr. Still pure LOL!

I've slightly adjusted my quick hit composition rhythm, punching out 1 per day, to post that same day 1 week later. Cant afford 2 get behind

Late afternoon hanging out at Panera. Midway between our 2 main supermarkets, both walking distance. Wife's the comparison shopper.

A8: #bigdatamgmt Ask yourself whether the "big" of #bigdata adds any value FOR YOUR BUSINESS above & beyond sound "small data" practices

A8: #bigdatamgmt If you're just starting with #bigdata, remember that many have done it before you. Research & learn from case studies

A8: Here are my 6 simple steps to follow when creating a #BigData strategy.  #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A8: #bigdatamgmt Core advice is remember that #bigdata = differentiated value from advanced analytics on trustworthy data at ANY scale.

A7: #bigdatamgmt Don't start your #bigdata initiative by diving into a boiling ocean. Do incremental projects. Build on successes.

A7: #bigdatamgmt Don't imagine #bigdata requires forklift upgrade. Best value often comes from "hybrids" extending existing investmnts

A7: #bigdatamgmt Chief pitfall is letting tech strategy drive #bigdata initiative. Many platforms/tool options 4 achieving same outcomes

#bigdatamgmt A6: Trust is key. #bigdata needs to look to the outcomes that are to be achieved. Strike balance. e.g. #privacy vs cleverness
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A6: Data governance models (that work) are key to cross-organizational success. #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A6: Big Data should be treated like any other data set within the enterprise. Needs stewardship & processes. @datagenius #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A6: Data governance should also control sandboxes - who can access, and facilitate self-service access to governed struct data #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A6: availability,usability,integrity, and security issues in bigdata should be addressed, then data governance will be achieved #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A6: #bigdatamgmt At heart, data governance should be addressed in #bigdata just as it is in #DW #BI: well-defined stewardship program

A6: #bigdatamgmt If #bigdata strategy hinges on new unstructured sources not managed in official records, governance reqs are minimal

A6: #bigdatamgmt In a #bigdata strategy, data governance must be commensurate with SVOT/sensitivity of each biz-data domain.

CDO needs to be able to prove how every single department can affect bottom line w/ big data. Every single one. Comm. key here. #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5: Pragmatic way to look at #CDO is a fixing underinvestment in data in #privacy, #governance, #strategy capacity #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5: #bigdatamgmt Chief Data Officer oversees management, stewardship, and protection of all core business data domains

A5: #bigdatamgmt "Chief Digital Officer" is essentially a Chief Marketing/Customer Officer overseeing digital engagement channels

A5: #bigdatamgmt Chief Privacy Officer ensures PII data assets managed in compliance with releannt laws,mandates, and best practices

A5: #bigdatamgmt Chief Information Security Officer ensures data assets not stolen, misused, corrupted, or improperly disclosed.

A5: #bigdatamgmt CIO oversees adoption of data/analytics for business apps, decision support, and knowledge worker productivity

A5: #bigdatamgmt I'm undecided whether "Chief Data Officer" role adds value distinct from Chief Information Officer.

A4: Biz prob that requires exploratory analysis on graph data (e.g. fraud) will indicate graph analytics #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A4: #bigdatamgmt If biz outcomes best enabled by predictive analytics on low-latency event data flows, prioritize #streamcomputing
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A4: #bigdatamgmt If desired outcomes best enabled thru in-db analytics on SVOT data in #EDW, prioritize #MPP #RDBMS #MDM #DQ #PureData

A4: #bigdatamgmt If desired biz outcomes best enabled through adv analytics on unstruct data, prioritize #Hadoop #NoSQL platforms

A4: #bigdatamgmt Strategy focuses on outcomes + tactics 4 achieving them. Techs = "tactics." Which techs best enable those outcomes?

A3: Overlap..collecting big data in the cloud, analyse big data in the cloud, self-service BI access to BD & publish to mobile #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A3: #bigdatamgmt #Social is the ubiquitous #cloud channel that you use for listening & engagement with all stakeholders

A3: #bigdatamgmt #Cloud is the new deployment platform for your most voluminous, varied, & real-time #bigdata use cases.

A3: #bigdatamgmt #BigData is the data, analytics, governance, & optimization hub of your #cloud #social & #mobile initiatives.

A3: #bigdatamgmt All drive new biz outcomes: #bigdata via analytics, #cloud via agilty, #social via engagmt, #mobile via access

A2: #bigdatamgmt finding common link between structured and unstructured data and then enabling better search
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

@pisarose Data science must become team sport because (1) not enough Hilary Masons out there (2) must get bus to take ownership #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A2: Big difference from exploration to production SLA in #bigdata, must think about transition from one to other ahead of time #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A2: #bigdatamgmt #BigData strategy places far greater emphasis on unstructured sources, real-time analytics, & in-db analytics
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A2: #bigdatamgmt #BigData strat increases importance of data-science devel skills, vis-a-vis traditional #DW #BI #datamgmt skills

A2: #bigdatamgmt #BigData strat impacts existing #DW #BI #datamgmt programs by leveraging & evolving them to address new use cases

A2: #bigdatamgmt #BigData strategy differs from #DW, #BI, & #datamgmt in core emphases on scale, in-db analytics & data science

A1: big data gives strategy evidence. a company culture needs to be fluid enough to pivot if the #s aren't there. #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A1: Not everyone needs to be a data scientist, but everyone must understand how Big Data connects to biz strategy. #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

RT @thomasdeutsch: A1: @IBMBIGDATA - different = tolerant of exploration and agile approach to working with#data. #bigdatamgmt

a1 culture critical in strategy and execution - is org customer, product, channel centric? #bigdatamgmt
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A1: #bigdatamgmt If the culture recognizes that #bigdata is core business asset, #bigdata strategy flows from biz imperatives
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A1: #bigdatamgmt If company culture helmed by C-level execs who've adopted analytics in their work, #bigdata strat devel is organic

A1: #bigdatamgmt If the company culture is infused with evidence-based decision making, executing #bigdata strategy will be smoother

It's a good day when I can do another #bigdatamgmt chat with expert co-tweeters. Today, in fact, is such a day!

RT @TheSocialPitt.@AliRebaie @kdnuggets I hope U can join #bigdatamgmt chat in 15mins on Creating #BigData Strategy 

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Carry Me by Bombay Bicycle Club JK--2014. I misheard the chorus of this as "Drew Carey, Drew Carey, Drew Carey..."

Today at 12pm ET #bigdatamgmt chat "creating a #bigdata strategy" w/ @BernardMarr @mikeferguson1 & me 

New #IBM jk #ITKnowledgeExchange column: "The exabyte era is rapidly streaming our way" ( )

#IBM transforms Indian auto supply chain with #cloud computing 

Data-scientist skillsets? Juggling visualizations, algorithms & narratives p1:  p2:  Wed #IBM qh

"Data Open to the Masses" ( ) JK--Steven Adler on W3C effort on open-data best practices & vocabularies #IBMDataMag

"Hidden Skill 2 Unlock Value o Data" ( ) JK--Scientific method (structrd empirical knowledge investig, test, & correct)

"Lyra Visualization Design Environment" ( ) JK--Free open-source distribution from the University of Washington.

"Data Mining Cup 2014 – Student Competition" ( ) JK--Registration started 3-3. Competition starts 4-2, closes 5-14.

"Is There a Place for NoSQL in BI & Analytics?" ( ) JK--John Myers examines question, doesn't provide definitive answer

"How to compete against data scientists charging $30/hour" ( ) JK--Detailed practical advice from Vincent Granville.

"Myth of Bell Curve" ( ) JK--Protests kneejerk use o normal distribs in HR reviews as forcing creation of "loser" class

"Quantified Self: The algorithm of life" ( ) JK--Self-tracking has its place. But also addiction-bait 4 OCD narcissists

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Dandy by Kinks from Face To Face JK--1966. Classic Ray Davies snark at Carnaby Street sensibilities in Swingin London

"Does yr private data really need 2 B that private?" ( ) JK--PII more potent than anonymizd 4 pinpointing pathogen path

"The Internet Of Things Is Going To Bring A Plethora Of Challenges" ( ) JK--Is also gonna spawn a whole lotta issues!

"Plethora"'s a word peeps dont speak. They only write it & usually get meaning wrong. Means "too much" not "a lot." Wanna do a plethorectomy

Russian & Ukrainian warships trying 2 transit btwn Black & Meditn Seas via Turkish waters, all of which we transited on vacation 3 mnths ago

Health: its presence is in ease, order, and function. Its absence is in disease, disorder, and dysfunction. Everything in its right place.

Health isn't exactly a condition. It's more a pattern of harmonious interactions within the matrix of experience that envelops th individual

"Run Cloud Apps in Open Env" ( ) JK--Downld new IBM Redbook “Accel Dev o New Ent Sol'ns 4 Cloud w/BlueMix” #IBMDataMag

"Open source challenges a proprietary Internet of Things" ( ) JK--Linux Foundation behind the "AllSeen Alliance."

Get inside look at how @IBMBigData improves operational intelligence for Oil & Gas  #bigdata #energy

"Storage optimization? Compress what you can, extract insights prior to purging the rest" ( ) Tues #IBM quick-hit

"DW Archs 4 Multinat Org" p1  p2  p3  JK--Gr8 TEunice series #IBMDataMag

"Data Warehousing: Th Brains of #BigData Operation" ( ) JK--Nancy Hensley connects DW 2 cognitive computing #IBMDataMag

"10 Mistakes Enterprises Make in #BigData Projects" ( ) JK--Excellent detailed advice from Krish Krishnan #IBMDataMag

"Data-driven journo fuels accountblty+iinsight in 21st century" ( ) JK--If I could re-take J-school, this'd be my focus

"The Austin 100: A SXSW 2014 Mix" ( ) JK--Awesome selection of MP3s from current artists. Thanks NPR!

"Elevator Pitch: Claudia Fan Munce o #IBM Venture Capital" ( ) JK--"IBM VC Group works w/ ~ 300 VC firms around globe"

"Speedwagon" would have been a great jokey band name. "REO" would have been a great iconic one. Dumb to have neutralized both by combining.

March Fourth. But don't slip.

Infamous '89 Rob Lowe/SnowWhite Oscar opening nmbr ( ). As cringeworthy as you heard (never mind Portuguese voice-over)

Drafted latest #ITKnowledgeExchange column: "The Exabyte Era Is Rapidly Streaming Our Way"

Drafted latest #IBM jk #InfoWorld column: "Social Graph Analytics Dissects the Subtle Balance of Influence"

"Recom Sys" ( ) JK--"Design patterns": "co-occurrence matrices, vctr space modls, Markov modls, “everyone gets a pony"

A8: Identify your biggest advocates and most loyal customers. Invite them to participate in creating your next product or service #CXO
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A8 Collaborate/design WITH your customers and LISTEN to what they are saying. #cxo

A8: Get vocal customers engaged in regular previews and listen well to feedback. #cxo
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A8: #CXO Let customers vent. Listen closely (no matter how painful that may be). That's how you stay "abreast" of their heart.

A8: #CXO Honestly, no experience ever fits anybody perfectly at any point in time. Ask: what's most comfortable/acceptable NOW?

A8: #CXO Figuring how what experience fits the customer now also involves predicting where they fit in their "journey."

A8: #CXO Ascertaining what experience fits the customer NOW is a matter of analyzing fresh "signals" across all channels

A7: #CXO Constant A/B testing of "right" scenarios (time, msg, exper chan, sgmt) is how you achieve predictive confidence

A7: #CXO "Right" is relative. Biz should think of "confidently predicting" rather than "accurately determining" customer drivers.

A6: #CXO Businesses should detect anomalous customer behavior by correlating & mining multichannel, historical data

A6: #CXO Customers whose response & acceptance rates on your marketing solicitations have declined is anomalous.

A6: #CXO Customers shifting engagement interactions away from one or more channels (POS, social, mobile, etc) is anomaly.

A6: #CXO Customers saying nasty things about you on socials is an anomaly. The ill-fitting experience/engagemt rubs them wrong.

A6: #CXO Abandonments (browser, shopping cart, etc) is anomaly, indicating that they chose to abort their engagement with you.

A5 should be about "next best action" - use data to help the customer through their journey #CXO

A5: #CXO If you're able to resolve each customer's social data to their IDs, can greatly personalize engagemt. But privacy concerns

A5: Not only collect/respond/engage on a one-on-one level, but also group on concepts/sentiment and tailor messaging to groups #CXO
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A5: #CXO Personalization should leverage "abandonment" data (browser, shopping cart). Tune your e-commerce design to reduce abandons

A4: #CXO Fundamentally, ill-fitting experience in the present will drive churn. Only the more recent channel data shows that

A4: #CXO Effective sampling of your customer experience data is powerful technique: save storage cost, have confidence in analysis

A4: #CXO Need 2 recognize that older customer data may not signal "2 left shoes" syndrome (ill-fit exper) on current chan strategy.

A4: #CXO Your data scientists/SME need to implement exploratory "sandbox" DBs to segment/analyze customer experience data.

A4: #CXO Businesses need #bigdata platforms for multichannel data mgmt. They also need data-sci/SME teams to sift through it.

A3: #CXO Some cultures thrive on a robust street-level commercial experience. Some on big retail outlets. Some on e-commerce.

A3: #CXO Businesses need to define customer "journeys" consistent with different local cultural expectations & sensitivities.

A3: #CXO Engagement localization--fitting language, culture, timezone, etc.--is key to global experience mgmt.

A2: #CXO Businesses map each customer's disparate personas to a common "journey" model. Adjust engagemt to fit channel-specific personas

A2: #CXO Each customer's core desires same across channels. They use channs differently 2 realize those--hence, personas.

A1: #CXO Come into every interaction prepared w/data-proven cust segmentation. Use that as 1st rough cut in understanding potentials

A1. Prospects often say one thing and behave differently. Watch behavior. #CXO
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

A1: #CXO Up front, while getting to know the potential, ask them 2 tell about selves. Listen. Use what they say 2 adjust engagemt

A1: #CXO No potential is truly "stranger." To "break ice," make assumptions about desires per past interactions w/similar customers

In 19 mins! "Two left shoes" syndrome w/ @jeanniecw me et al  #cem #cxo #custexp #bigdata

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Casimir Pulaski Day by Sufjan Stevens JK--Hero o American Revolution. See also: Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Proud 2 B Polish!

RT @kexpplaylist #kexp Blue Moon by Beck from Morning Phase JK--2014. Great new Beck. He was the only reason I tuned into SNL two nights ago

Drafted latest #IBM jk blog: "Caveat on Use of the Internet of Things in Behavioral Analytics"

The new #IBM BLU Hub ( )

New #IBM jk blog: "The cloud now has a BLU lining and BLU has a cool hub" ( )

"Comp Intel Tech applied to EEG Data Analysis" ( ) JK--Genetic algos sift thru correlated EEG ECG GSR EMG EOG signals

Big Media? The era of the exabyte is fast upon us ( ) Monday #IBM quick-hit

After being dumped in snowstorm after snowstorm, even March Mudness will be a relative relief. Once we can actually see the soil again.

I suggest we rename Winter to "Not Spring Yet." Just to exacerbate the misery.

Not going to shovel even an inch of that snow till stops falling. Unless workload is onerous, prefer to process frozen precip in batch mode

Yes! My own WiFi again. Dedicated broadband. In contrast to flaky airport, hotel, & conference ctr WiFis I had to share w/countless others

Matthew McConaughey has delivered the best acceptance speech of the evening. He acted out a little skit of his life. Full of Texas grit.

Only Oscar I was rooting for this year: Cate Blanchett in "Blue Jasmine." She totally deserved it. Great performance, best of her career.

Meryl Streep lost another Oscar? How many does that make? How does this woman get work? Total loser! Academy's sending U a message, dearie!

If only Bradley's arm was longer. Best photo ever. #oscars
 Retweeted by jameskobielus

Occasionally, the Oscars drag on so long that someone needs to be added to the "In Memoriam" reel before the show is over.

"NASA uses #bigdata to confirm 715 strange new exoplanets" ( ) JK--Adv stat analysis on huge observ data sets. New lens

"NOAA Scientist Descrbes How Use Computationl Stats 2 Fight Globl Warming" ( ) JK--More accurate measrmnt o air quality

"How Open Data Portals Will Stimulate Innov & Economic Growth" ( ) JK--Refs recent McKinsey study. Cool CapGemini chart

"Art o analytics: using bigger data 2 create value in arts/cultural sector" ( ) JK--Dont show me biz o art. Show me art

Geezel pete! Enough of the "#bigdata is like teenage sex" nonsense! It's obviously not. Self-service not yet standard practice in big data.

"The OGC approves SensorML 2.0, advanced standard for Internet of Things" ( ) JK--Complementary to OGC geospatial spec

As the world's nations ready their responses to this crisis, the world's media ready the inevitable headline "Crimea & Punishment."

Thing I love about working in the IT industry is that it permeates all industries & consumer realms. Gives me wide range to read & write on.

Several prominent traditional retailers posted profit rises in the latest quarter. Structural-dislocation freakout re "showrooming" waning?

This just in: Dutch data scientists have successfully injected tulip-bulb DNA into a Bitcoin & refined its mania-intensification algorithm

Notion o "arthouse" cinema feels dated. You'd B hardpressed 2 find any such theater anymore even in larger cities. Niche goes straight2video

Haven't seen many of last year's films. Good to know there's an unwatched backlog waiting for me when I'm ready to get back into it.

Wanna know how important "best picture" nomination is? Check out non-winning nominees of past ( ). Obscurities abound

"IMHO" starting to ring a little hollow. Thinking of switching to "IMFOMO" (in my full-of-myself opinion). Put it right out there.